Radio Days

When I completed my first book, my boss was incredibly supportive and offered to get amarketing package for me of my own choosing. Having very little understanding of book marketing, I was soon swimming in a flood of possible opportunities of all different shapes,...

Direct Mail is Still Cool as Ever

Have you ever sent a letter to prospective customers asking them to buy one of your books? If so, you have participated in direct mail marketing — one of the most efficient and effective selling techniques. If you think it’s too old school for you, then consider this:...

Publishing Crash Course

People often ask how someone as flaky as I am can pull it together and write a book. In the hopes that it might inspire others to go out and create new worlds of their own, here are the things I did to become a published author: 1) Read a lot of great content. This is...

About Kimberly

Kimberly’s first book, Gumbeaux, received a gold medal for Chick Lit in the 2011 Readers Favorite literary contest. Her second book, Petty Cash, won a gold medal for Popular Fiction in the 2014 eLit Awards contest. Kimberly is represented by the WordServe Literary...